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Amazonas Arts Launch Event

We held a free community event to celebrate the launch of Amazonas Arts. We invited families in the local area to come and try classes in Capoeira, Samba, Yoga and Brazilian Dances. Over 100 people attend our free community day with activities including face painting, instrument making, children and adult Capoeira class and traditional Brazilian food. Below is some of the feedback from participants at the event: “I liked how you could easily get involved and how everyone was so friendly” “Thank-you – loved the samba class and letting the kids join in at the end” “Great food and great friendly vibe. We all had fun trying Capoeira, singing and dancing” “Lovely people, good food and fantastic energy” “I like making instruments and the food” FROM A LOCAL TEACHER WHO ATTENDED THE EVENT: “Thanks for a great time at the launch party - my kids and I loved it!! I met my husband when we both played/trained Capoeira with Groupo Senzala in Norwich many years ago, but we haven't done any since we moved to Brighton in 2006!! It reminded me of the vibrancy, the camaraderie, and the fun that Capoeira brings, and the great sense of community. I think people play Capoeira the way that they live life, and whatever is going on in your head and heart comes through in your jinga!!! ……Many of the children (at school) talk about issues of bullying, hopelessness, anger etc and I feel that Capoeira could really make a difference to them.

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